
Production info

Kadotettu raises up the question and importance of collective intelligence. What do we remember and what do we want to remember, which part memory plays in this? A blend of utopia and dystopia with a perspective grip to the phenomenas of our time – all that is Kadotettu.


Choreography: Alpo Aaltokoski
Choreographer’s assistant: Johanna Ikola
Dance: Kareem Haritani, Leo Kirjonen, Katja Koukkula, Tuovi Rantanen, Esete Sutinen, Jussi Väänänen
Singing: Ali Saad
Music: Sanna Salmenkallio
Light design: Alexander Salvesen
Sound design: Johanna Storm
Costume design: Marja Uusitalo
Costumes: Säde Norja
Prephotos: Ninna Lindström
Pressphotos: Mikko Rasila
Production: Alpo Aaltokoski Company

Duration: 60 minutes

Support: Finnish Cultural Foundation Uusimaa regional fund

Premiere 23.11.2019 Stoa, Helsinki

Press reviews

Helsingin Sanomat / Jussi Tossavainen

Kadotettu is impressive and strong. Guaranteed Aaltokoski every second. Spectators’ emotions pound from side to side all the time. Despite occasional distress, the work is ultimately very beautiful. In addition, an excellent and expressive group of performers has been assembled. Esete Sutinen is great, as always. Also present are the charming Jussi Väänänen and Katja Koukkula, known from competitive dance arenas. One could not think of a better group of performers. This work is a great continuation of Alpo Aaltokoski’s career.

Annikki Alku / Demokraatti

Aaltokoskis language of movement follows a kind of monotonous smallness. Although there were plenty of variations, nothing crackled, and the energy remained evenly flowing as in the machine. A multi-ringed vortex or gap of different colors reflected from time to time in the background and the figures in its center reminded me of an ancient tomb that gradually crumbled into nothingness over time. The mainly dark-toned music composed by Sanna Salmenkallio and Ali Saad’s song combined with it in the beginning were both sad and somehow inevitable. Both music and movement almost hypnotically absorb the viewer into their strange world. The performance was both easy and difficult to receive. However, it was not totally pessimistic, but in the end, there was also hope for a new beginning.

Performance history

Premiere: Stoa Helsinki 23.11.2019

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