
Production info

Huominen continues Aaltokoski’s dance series of Giya Kanchel’s works. The series’ first work is After yesterday, which was premiered in 2008.

The Finnish word “huominen” means “tomorrow” as well as “morning”.

”We began the process by carrying out different kinds of movement studies that were later refined through the working process into the movement material for the work. The subjects and themes of the work are born of the dancer’s body and the movement material it produces. The intention is not to create a portrait of Sinikka, but rather explore the significance of life experiences and age in a more general way.”

– Alpo Aaltokoski

Dance: Sinikka Gripenberg
Choreography: Alpo Aaltokoski
Music: Giya Kancheli
Light design: Kalle Paasonen
Sound design: Aake Otsala
Costume design: Anna Perez
Photos and graphic design: Kirsti Maula

Support: City of Helsinki Cultural Office, Helsingin tanssiopisto

Press reviews

Helsingin Sanomat 8.10.2010 Jussi Tossavainen

Sinikka Gripenberg is an impressive sight, grandly entering the stage in a low-backed velvet dress that has been designed by Anna Perez. It is beautiful, as is its 70-year-old wearer, who can not only carry the dress but herself too. [..] The dancer holds the whole audience in the palm of her hand with the slowest of gestures and her intense gaze. The work is also dramatic and Giya Kanchel’s music comes close to being pathetic, but always pulls back at the last minute. There is no unintentional comedy; rather this is an intensely performed work that is believable from start to finish.

Uutispäivä Demari, 12.10.2010, Annikki Alku

Gripenberg’s solo performance on Music Theatre Kapsäkki’s small stage is extremely charged from the very beginning. Every step, movement and facial expression seems to contain a lot more within it than is revealed. The dancer’s at once noble and sensual presence captivates the audience in her gaze. [..] This slowly escalating and finally relenting performance radiates drama, just like Anna Perez’s deep blue velvet dress, and especially Giya Kanchel’s music. This powerful emotional charge suits Gripenberg, as does Aaltokoski’s choreography, which is very like her, although it also brings new nuances to Gripenberg’s dance. [..] Huominen is open, full of expectation and maybe even fear, but in the end the dancer has the power and serenity to face it.

Performance history

Premiere: 6 October 2010, Kapsäkki, Helsinki, Finland

October 8-15, 2010 Kapsäkki, Helsinki, Finland (4)
November 15.-18, 2012 Stoa the Cultural Centre of Eastern Helsinki (3)
May 29, 2015 LéSpace, Helsinki (1)
June 9, 2015 Kaktus dance festival, Cable Factory, Helsinki (1)
October 23, 2015 Sotku, Kuopio city (1)

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