Alpo Aaltokoski Company tuo Meksikoon tanssia, ”jollaista täällä ei näe” Vuonna 1998 käynnistynyt kulttuurivaihto meksikolaisen tanssin...
Nomadi Productions announces an open call for dance artists / companies / venues / enthusiasts to take part in the collaboration project Dance Avalanche. The aim of the project is to exchange ideas and know-how, to enhance the mobility of high quality dance performances (in and outside of the country of residence) and explore the essence of Nordic mindscape (if such exists!) via dance art. The project will take place in at least three Nordic countries, Finland being the first one to host in 2016.
Behind the project is the Helsinki-based production house Nomadi Productions, which manages the artistic work of Alpo Aaltokoski Company and Arja Raatikainen & Co. In 2016, these two contemporary dance companies celebrate their 20 years on the professional dance field.
Through a simple application process at least two actors – organizations or independent artists – will be selected in the project. At least one of them should be a resident of the Nordic countries (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark) and one possibly from the following areas: Åland, Faroe Islands, Greenland. You may apply as an independent artist or an organization, a venue, dance company, a society etc. We look forward to receive a variety of propositions. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Dance Avalanche project will be launched in Finland in the summer of 2016 as part of the multidisciplinary DRIFT – Dance in Suomenlinna festival. DRIFT takes place on the historic island fortress of Suomenlinna just off the coast of Helsinki. Dates for year 2016 are: July 31st – August 6th. Dance Avalanche will also hold workshops and a round table session for Nordic dance professionals as part of DRIFT programme.
It is possible to participate in the project in three categories:
For the selected actors, a fixed amount of compensation and travel expenses will be agreed upon according to the final funding. Please note that we cannot guarantee the realization of the project before having confirmed full funding.
Your application should include:
When applying in category 1) please also include:
Please do not attach other files in your email. Thank you.
Send your application to:
Deadline: Monday, November 9, 2015
Selected applicants will receive a reply by e-mail within one month after the deadline.
More info & contact:
Nomadi Productions | Address: Tallberginkatu 1 C 96, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Alpo Aaltokoski Company | Managing director Helmi Saksala | e-mail: | |
Arja Raatikainen & Co | Managing director Marjo Pyykönen | e-mail | |